Terminal Two. План занятия по английскому языку.


Вот еще одна часть учебного пособи для учителей английского языка “The Internet for English Teaching”. Автор разработки — Наталия Петрова.

Занятие может быть использовано на занятиях со студетами уровня pre-intermediate и выше.

Раздаточные материалы вы найдете в конце записи (ссылка “Раздаточные материалы к занятию”).

Terminal Two”




60 minutes


To practice air travel vocabulary

To practice question forms

To assess the usefulness of search engines for planning in real life situations


One computer per group of 2-3 students, with an Internet connection and a Web browser.


Prepare a copy of “Terminal Two” handouts.


  1. Divide the class into groups of three. Get the students to write a list of about 10-15 adjectives that describe their opinion of air travel. Put them on the board, discuss. Ask and answer the following questions in these groups: Have you ever flown first class? What are the differences between first class and economy class? How do you feel about airports? (use adjectives). Then discuss the questions with the whole class.
  2. Students work in pairs. Give them copies of “Terminal Two” handouts. Have them read the text and discuss the advantages of e-tickets in pairs. Ask one student to tell the whole class.
  3. Students should get information about British companies selling e-tickets in www.yahoo.com, www.google.com.
  4. When they have finished, check the answers with the class.
  5. Students search for information about the flights for the passenger in pairs or groups of three, so they complete the table. (15 minutes)
  6. Choose one student from each group. They will be judges.
  7. Students present their results. The judges should define which group will spend less time in the airport meeting all the passengers.


Students can search more detailed information, like type of aircraft, who is providing these flights, on-board restrictions for different companies, additional flight services to cater to the needs of the passenger.


Brainstorming ideas:

What features should the ideal airport have?

What’s the future of IT technology in air travel?

Students work in groups of four-five people and brainstorm their ideas. Brainstorming means everyone contributes their ideas and all the ideas are written on the board. There must be no evaluation of the ideas until the barnstorming stop. Then discuss the ideas with the class and decide which to keep and which to discard.

Раздаточный материал к занятию

Полезная информация: хотел бы обратить внимание на услуги по размещению серверного и коммутационного оборудования в компании msm. Дата-центр компании предлагает бесплатную установку оборудования и скромную абонентскую плату.

Метки: , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Безусловно, очень важно, чтобы студенты работали в группах — это позволяет им общаться и улучшать свои разговорные навыки.

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